Compliance Requirements for Mobile Food Vendors

This document outlines the key obligations for mobile food vendors, including adherence to the guide provided below and ensuring adequate health coverage in line with relevant legal requirements.

Local Council Approvals

Local councils are responsible for approving mobile food vending vehicles, which may involve associated fees. It’s essential to reach out to your local council for detailed information.

Approval from each council in the area where you plan to use the vehicle for food storage, preparation, or sales is required. This applies to operations on public streets, private land, or public roads.

Before commencing operations, ensure you verify the specific requirements with the local council in which you plan to operate to avoid penalties for non-compliance.

Council approval may also be necessary for the storage and maintenance of the mobile food vehicle, particularly when storing food supplies or equipment related to the business.

Council Environmental Health Officers may conduct inspections of temporary food stalls during events, and inspection fees may apply in accordance with the council's pricing policies.

Mobile Food Vendors

Mobile food vendors are considered retail food businesses, as they sell food to the public and must comply with relevant regulations. This includes vehicles involved in:

  1. On-site food preparation, such as hamburgers, hot dogs, and kebabs.

  2. One-step food preparation, such as popcorn, cotton candy, coffee, and fresh juice.

  3. Selling all types of food, including pre-packaged items.

Vendors selling only pre-packaged, low-risk foods face minimal regulatory requirements.

Requirements Effective 8 December 2023

Starting December 8, 2023, mobile food businesses serving unpackaged, potentially hazardous food must meet the following requirements:

  1. Appoint a qualified Food Safety Supervisor on-site to oversee food handlers (this has been a requirement for some businesses already).

  2. Ensure all food handlers are trained in food safety and hygiene or can demonstrate appropriate skills and knowledge.

  3. Ensure food safety practices are followed.

  4. Maintain appropriate public liability insurance.

For further details on food compliance and enforcement, please refer to the Food Compliance Enforcement Policy available here: